Edmund W. Gordon Institute for Advanced Study


Join the Edmund W. Gordon Institute for Advanced Study in critically examining and engaging some of the most socially intractable issues of education. As one of the first university-based institutes devoted to improving educational and life outcomes for racialized populations in urban areas, The Gordon Institute has a rich history and tradition of producing cutting-edge research, conducting sharp evaluations, developing wide-ranging educational programs, and fostering community partnerships to enhance the lives of children, youth, and adults in New York City and beyond.

In addition to our many research publications, projects, and programs, The Gordon Institute is committed to communication and dialogue around important educational issues through our longstanding Annual Distinguished Edmund W. Gordon Lecture. Our Colloquium series brings educators, researchers, and community members together in a space for dialogue and action about issues related to the education of the racialized, the dispossessed, the uprooted, and the subjected. Additionally, our Speaker Series brings some of the leading thinkers and researchers in urban education, critical theory, and Black studies together to engage in rich and formative dialogue about their work with the TC community.

Our main goal continues to build upon a tradition begun 50 years ago when The Gordon Institute was founded: producing cutting-edge and field defining research on the education and development of racially subjugated and socially precarious populations to inform policy and practice. 

We invite you to join the The Gordon Institute community – and to learn more about The Gordon Institute through these pages.

Welcome to The Gordon Institute!

Edmund Gordon


The Edmund W. Gordon Institute for Advanced Study is committed to critically examining and reshaping the lives and education of socially precarious and racialized populations. Drawing from critical theories, the institute is an undercommons that does work that is voraciously interdisciplinary, intellectually curious, methodologically creative, and agenda setting fugitive planning and study. Our mission is to understand, challenge, and dismantle the effects of power, structural oppression, colonialism and settler colonialism, global racial capital through the seemingly most socially intractable issues in education, culture, and society. Through this examination, the Gordon Institute actively works towards a more equitable, anti-colonial, and transformative educational system.

The Edmund W. Gordon Institute for Advanced Study seeks to deconstruct, reimagine, and rebuild educational systems, fostering an educational environment that liberates, decolonizes, and radically transforms and ultimately contributes to a more just and equitable society. 

11th Annual Edmund W. Gordon Distinguished Lecturer - Hortense Spillers, Ph.D.

11th Annual Edmund W. Gordon Distinguished Lecturer

Hortense Spillers, Ph.D.

Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor and Distinguished Research Professor, Emerita

Vanderbilt University

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